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Independent Living Systems' ILS Meals Fulfills Client and Member Commitments in the Face of AdversityDownload/View PDFMIAMI - August 1, 2020...
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Date: August 1, 2020
MIAMI – August 1, 2020 – ILS Meals, a product of Independent Living Systems(“ILS”) and one of the largest nutritional providers of medically tailored meals nationwide, announcesminimal disruption in meals operations despite an accidental fire at its Miami warehouse last night.With over a decade of experience providing Nutritional Support Services, ILS immediately ramped upat its Doral operations center to ensure continuity in service delivery of frozen and shelf-stable mealsto Miami seniors in advance of Hurricane Isaias.
“We are thankful that no one was injured, and we are grateful to the courageous Miami-Dade Countyfirefighters who worked hard to contain this fire. ILS Meals has a comprehensive warehouse safety programand disaster preparedness procedures in place, allowing for our rapid response to this incident,” saidNestor Plana, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of both ILS and ILS Meals. “Our Meals operations havenot experienced any significant delays and we expect to meet all commitments despite these operationalchallenges.”
As of early this morning, ILS Meals operations was fully functional with all scheduled deliveries ofregular frozen and shelf-stable meals successfully en route. While the change in operations presentedseveral challenges for the company to overcome, ILS anticipates all existing meals orders will befulfilled without further disruption.
With over 4 Million meals delivered to the most vulnerable populations nationwide just this yearalone, ILS Meals has supported its health plan clients as well as various states and counties during theCOVID-19 pandemic. These emergency meals and medically tailored meals ensure that our seniorsand other vulnerable populations do not go hungry, but even in the midst of disruptive events willhave access to a variety of nutritious and satisfying meals tailored to their unique needs.
ILS, an industry leader in managing high-cost, complex member populations in the Medicaid,Medicare, and Dual-Eligible market for almost two decades specializes in delivering innovative healthcare solutions to millions of Americans. ILS’ comprehensive range of wrap-around person-centeredservices include Nutritional Support Services – Home Delivered Meals and Nutritional Counseling, CareManagement, Transitional Care Services, Managed Long-Term Services and Supports, and more.Delivering meals to more than 4.7 million members nationwide, ILS Meals’ Home Delivered MealsService is at the heart of the solutions provided to health plan, state and county partners and hospital system clients.
About ILS Meals:
ILS Meals is a national leader in home-delivered meals and nutrition services, serving high-qualitymedically tailored therapeutic meals to healthcare patients, seniors, and children. We believe in thevital role of nutrition to improve the health and quality of life. ILS Meals menus are designed by ourteam of registered dietitians to foster independence, aid in recovery or reduce the symptoms of achronic illness and address social determinants of health. ILS Meals has over 18 years’ experienceserving the Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, pediatric, and special needs populations throughout theUnited States and its territories. Our meals are designed with care to improve health outcomes, lowerreadmission rates to acute care settings, improve nutritional health status, address social determinantsof health, and foster independence. For more information, visit
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