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ILS Delivers Over 10 Million Meals Nationwide During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Date: October 27, 2020

ILS Delivers Over

10 Million Meals Nationwide During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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MIAMI – October 27, 2020 – Independent Living Systems (“ILS”), one of the nation’s largest nutritional providers of medically-tailored meals, has provided over 10 Million meals in support of vulnerable and food insecure populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. With over a decade of experience providing Nutritional Support Services, ILS quickly ramped up operations, despite supply chain interruptions, to continue to meet the needs of their health plan and government clients nationwide.

“Delivering in excess of 10 million meals over the last 8 months is pretty incredible,” said Nestor Plana, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ILS. “Partnering with our clients and delivering quality meals, with exceptional service, to the homes of the food insecure and most vulnerable in society has been our focus. We are thankful to have been trusted by our valued clients, especially Miami-Dade County Emergency Management, to support the needs of their residents and members during this pandemic.”

ILS has provided over 10 million frozen and shelf stable emergency meals through contact-free deliveries. All deliveries are made by drivers wearing full PPE and who have been trained in safety protocols to protect the safety of meal recipients. The shelf stable emergency meals and medically tailored frozen meals ensure that seniors and other vulnerable populations do not go hungry and have access to nutritious and satisfying meals tailored to their unique needs.

ILS plans to continue its meals program expansion through its integrated care management and food as medicine programs that address food insecurity, chronic conditions, food deserts, and social determinants of health. To support this growth, ILS has hired over 300 new employees to manage theadditional operational and logistical demands. The company is proud to be creating jobs, while serving the needs of the community.

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