Independent Living Systems Expands Leadership Team as Growth Accelerates
Independent Living Systems Announces Appointment of Carol Gormley as Vice President of Government AffairsGormley joins ILS with extensive experience in...
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Date: December 1, 2020
Gormley joins ILS with extensive experience in health policy and government affairs
MIAMI – Dec. 1, 2020 – Independent Living Systems (“ILS”) an industry leader in managing high-cost, complex member populations in the Medicare, Medicaid and Dual-Eligible market, today announced that Carol Gormley has joined the company as Vice President ofGovernment Affairs. Working closely with senior leadership, Gormley will create and implement legislative strategy for the company. Gormley brings more than 35 years of experience in healthpolicy and government relations to this role.
“Carol’s experience combined with her deep understanding of the Florida healthcare environmentwill make her an extremely valuable asset to ILS,” stated David Rogers, President of ILS. “We lookforward to working alongside her to further advance our near and long-term initiatives. We’repleased to welcome her to the ILS family.”
Gormley joins ILS from her role as Chief of Staff for Jose Oliva, during his term as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. In this role, Gormley oversaw the work of staff in all areas, including policy development, process management, communication, and coordination with the Senate and Executive Office of the Governor.
Gormley also served as Deputy Chief of Staff under Governor Jeb Bush where she participated in the development of the Governor’s initiatives related to health and human services and functioned as the Governor’s liaison with state agencies such as the Agency for Health Care Administration, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Children and Families, Department of Health, Department of Elder Affairs, Department of Corrections, and Department of Juvenile Justice.
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