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Florida Community Care Supports Their Senior Living Providers as Well as Florida Communities During COVID-19 by Addressing Food Insecurity

Date: July 21, 2020

Florida Community Care Supports Their Senior Living Providers as Well as Florida Communities During COVID-19 by Addressing Food Insecurity

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MIAMI – July 21, 2020 – Florida Community Care (“FCC”) has been providing support to their providers as well as Florida’s senior communities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by partnering with organizations to address food insecurity. In partnership with the Florida Assisted Living Association (“FALA”) and assisted living facilities statewide, FCC facilitated the distribution of over 300,000 fresh produce boxes ensuring seniors have access to fresh fruit and vegetables as part of their COVID-19 relief efforts.

Leveraging the food provided by the non-profit, Independent Living Community Services (“ILCS”), FCC ensured this food reached seniors in communities throughout Florida by managing the program and collaborating with FALA to secure volunteers at delivery sites throughout Florida. These efforts successfully and safely facilitated the distribution of the fresh produce kits to Florida communities and seniors. Seniors make up a significant part of the high risk community and food distribution initiatives such as this support the ability of seniors to remain healthy, independent and safe from exposure during quarantine. Seniors across Florida continue to face challenges beyond medical care, due to COVID-19 and the evolving uncertainty.

“FCC has proudly dedicated significant staff time and resources to coordinate these deliveries which help support our providers and ease their financial burden. This also ensures that our seniors have access to fresh, healthy food during this difficult time”, said FCC CEO, Nestor Plana. “We continue to be driven by our commitment to the quality of life of our vulnerable members and the support of our dedicated network of providers.”

This program has offered much needed support to FCC providers, the senior living communities, which have endured additional financial hardships, due to the increased operating costs caused by the pandemic. These costs include increased PPE and staffing to protect their residents from the dangerous COVID-19 virus. Providing senior living communities with additional support during this emergency, is one of the many ways FCC has continued to show its commitment to their providers. Asa Provider Sponsored Network (“PSN”), FCC values its network of providers and understands the important role they play in the lives of the seniors FCC serves.

FCC, a subsidiary of ILS, was founded in 2018 and provides integrated services statewide to Florida’s Medicaid enrollees who are eligible to receive long-term care services. In addition to long-term care services, FCC’s programs integrate social services to address social determinants of health to deliver person-centered care through health benefits and wellness programs.

FCC leverages the support of its parent company ILS. ILS has extensive experience delivering care management, provider network services and administrative services to its managed care health plan clients for over two (2) decades. ILS’ history and instrumental role in developing the long-term care program in Florida has led to FCC’s success as the state’s first long-term care PSN. FCC established as a guiding principle, a commitment to partnerships with community-based organizations, providers and caregivers, to enhance its ability to deliver value-based managed care services, specifically aimed at fostering independence and improving health outcomes for its members.

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